“trees against the sky, fields of plenty, rivers to the sea: this, and more spreads before me” – Moondog
One of the finest American Composers.
Visionary poly-rhythmist. Outsider, heatbringer.
A huge influence over the BOOMARM vision, and commitment to realness from all corners of Musical thought.
Louis Thomas Hardin aka MOONDOG.
Here’s a vinylrip of side B from the Honest Jon’s re-issue of the Snaketime Series LP.
[audio:Moondog_snaketime_sideB Rendered.mp3]TRACKLIST:
- 1-Surf Session part1 (quartet featuring the Weiner-Sabinsky Duo) 2/4 time
- 2-Surf Session part2 (second movement) 2/2 time
- 3-Surf Session part 3 (third movement) 2/8 time
- 4-“Trees against the sky, fields of plenty, rivers to the sea: this, and more spreads before me” 5/4 time
- 5-Tap Dance (Ray Malone ad libs to Moondog’s drumming) 5/4 time
- 6-Oo Debut (Solo) 7/4 time
- 7-Drum Suite
- 8-Street Scene (Drum solos and dialogues, against the sound of Manhattan traffic) 5/4 time